What is #TrumpCare?
We all have concerns about what the new administration will do to our healthcare system which has been changing so rapidly for the last six years. Will the train be derailed or is a switch coming? Will Trump and the Republicans do as they have promised so many times and repeal and replace Obamacare, including its most popular aspects like coverage for adult children and an extra 20 million people who can get insurance, pre-existing conditions and the exchanges? Let’s discuss in a tweetchat!
Moderated by Nicole Fisher, a leading healthcare policy thinker and attended by most of our MedMo16 Panel on the topic, this promises to be an interesting discussion. Please join us!
Thanks to Jane Sarasohn-Khan and Mandi Bishop, here is some excellent background reading:
Here are the topics we will be hitting:
T1 What IS #TRUMPCare? And do you think Trump, let alone voters, knew the plan before the election?
T2. Day 1 #TRUMPCare possibilities include repealing tax credits + Medicaid expansion + individual mandate. Who’s affected most, how?
T3. How will healthcare innovation and investment fare under #TrumpCare?
T4. How would Medicaid block-grant proposal work under #TRUMPCare – and what consequences will recipients face?
…and if we have time:
T5. How long do you think a Congressperson’s family would survive on 138% FPL + Medicaid? How can we make those types of families heard?
Follow the hashtag #TrumpCare or click here to join the conversation.
See you there!
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